The current methods for improvement of
the results of combined radiation therapy of the esophageal invasive cancer
Rafik Vahidovich,
Republican Research Oncological Center, Tashkent,
Современные методы по улучшению
результатов комбинированной лучевой терапии местнораспространенного рака
Рафик Вахидович,
Республиканский онкологический научный
центр МЗ РУз, г. Ташкент, Узбекистан.
В данной статье нами проанализировано течение болезни 61 больного неоперабельным раком пищевода. Из них 41 больных получили лучевую терапию и 20 больных – сочетанное лучевое лечение. Мужчин было 34 (55,74 %) и женщин -27 (44,26%). Внутрипищеводная местная гипертермия в комбинации с сочетанной лучевой терапией, а также химиотерапией и гипергликемией при раке пищевода является безопасным и относительно легко осуществимым методом лечения. Способ обеспечивает достоверное улучшение непосредственных результатов лечения больных неоперабельным местнораспространенным раком пищевода и повышается выживаемость пациентов.
The problem of the
esophageal cancer in our country, as all over the world, remains to be in the
center of interests of medical science and medical clinical practice. The
esophageal cancer is one the most occurrence malignant neoplasms. The number of
patients with esophageal cancer primarily registered has been growing every
year [1, 3, 6].
present for treatment of esophageal cancer there were used
radiation, surgical and combined methods of treatment. The radiation
therapy remains to be single acceptable method of treatment in 70-80% of
patients with esophageal cancer due to late referrals of the patients to
medical specialists for help [2, 4, 5]. However, the
results of radiation are unsatisfactory. The improvement of the results of
conservative therapy as the main method of treatment for esophageal cancer is
one of the actual task of the current oncology. For obtaining of the
satisfactory results of the radiation therapy, form one side, it is necessary
to direct maximal dose of irradiation to the focal of lesion, however occurring
local and general complications prevent from full realization of the ability of
radiation therapy. In this connection we consider that the development of new
and improved methods of treatment directed to the defense of normal tissues
from ionization and increasing harmful effect on the tumor is of great
importance [4, 7, 9].
Material and methods
our clinic in order to improve efficacy of the radiation therapy for patients
with invasive forms of esophageal cancer the clinical study has been performed
where there is used combination of DTGT with intracavitary irradiation
associated with polyradiomodification. On the basis of the notion that tumor
cells have less resistance to heat effect (40-43ºC), than healthy ones,
the hyperthermia in combined and complex treatment of oncological patients has
been using more frequently for present years. On our opinion the attempts to
use local hyperthermia (LHT) as radiomodificator in the process of radiation
therapy is one of the perspective directions (RT) [8, 9, 10].
the Oncological Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Uzbekistan the development of methods for use of intraesophageal
hyperthermia-HT under experimental conditions and then for treatment of
unresectable patients with invasive cancer of the esophagus (EIC) began in 2005
and continue till present. This report presents analysis of our accumulated
experience as well as considerations concerning further development in this
analyzed development of the disease in 41 patients with unresectable esophageal
cancer receiving only radiation therapy in 2006 and 20 patients receiving
combined radiation therapy in 2007-2008. The males were 34(55,74%),
females – 27 ( 44,26%). The mean age of patients was 59,3±3,7
technique of LHT was also used in some variants [2, 5, 7].
From 2000 there was used device based on the autonomic closed contour with
circulating heat-carrier (water), and also including heat exchanger introduced
in the esophageal lumen at the level of tumor and heater with pump
(ultrathermostat “TC-24A” or “UT-15U”). The principle of the tumor heating is
contact transmission of the heat, local contact hyperthermia (LCHT). The method
of contact heat transmission is preferable now during performance of LHT.
Table 1.
The results of treatment of
the esophageal cancer in relation to dose received.
Totally |
effect |
effect |
effect |
Progressing |
Gr. |
30 (73,17%) |
(26.7%) |
9 (30,0%) |
8 (26,7%) |
5 (16,7%) |
Gr. |
6 (14,63%) |
- |
2(33,7%) |
4(66,6%) |
1 (16,7%) |
To 40
Gr. |
5 (12,19%) |
- |
- |
2 (40%) |
3 (60%) |
Totally |
(100%) |
8 (19,5%) |
11 (26,9%) |
14 (36,1%) |
8 (19,5%) |
treatment of esophageal cancer we combined LHT with RT for all the patients
with the exception of those which abilities have already been exhausted.
Evidently LHT was sometimes performed in combination with mono- or
polychemotherapy (ftoruracyl, metotrexat, cycplatin and others). Selection of
one or another preparation depended from its presence in the clinic. The
preparation is used in the general approved single or course doses.
radiation therapy was performed in relation to standard anatomic cross-section
on the border of the upper, middle and low thirds of the esophagus. The contour
of anatomic—topographic scheme was closed to the oval with sizes along the main
axes 20 [
the control group the distational telegammatherapy was performed with single
dose (SD) 2 Gr five times a week, the planned summary focal dose (SFD) 60 Gr,
used in graduated prolonged method, divided course with interval after 36-40 Gr
3-4 weeks.
Results and discussion
patients were selected individually for use of one or other scheme of treatment
in the majority of studies. The motive for change of the scheme of treatment
was the search of optimal variant of the regimen for our used factors and their
consecutive application. The evaluation of the direct results of treatment was
performed in accordance to the WHO recommendations (2000), and the patients’
survival was assessed with use of direct method.
were not found signs of tumor growth acceleration or metastatic spreading in
our patients who received LHT in complex with RT or CT. Practically in all the
patients even after some séances of LHT the esophageal patency had been
main group included 14 patients who received combined radiation therapy
consisted of DTHT in regimen of multifractioned SD 1,5
Gr two times a day with interval 4 hours, SFD 60 Gr and intracavitary radiation
therapy with SD 5 Gr on the middle and lower thirds, on the upper third
esophagus in dose 3 Gr two times a week, SFD 25-30 Gr.
abovementioned data showed that the full effect in the control group observed
only in the patients receiving DTHT with SFD more than 60 Gr, and was 26,7%. Out of the patients receiving DTHT with SFD less than
60 Gr the full effect was not observed in any case.
Table 2.
Results of the
associated radiation therapy of the esophageal cancer.
Totally |
effect |
effect |
effect |
Progressing |
number of patients |
20 |
12 (60%) |
6 (30%) |
2 (10%) |
- |
full effect (Table 2) in the main group was achieved in 12 (60%) patients, and
partial effect in 6(30%) patients and no effect was in two patients 910%).
long-term results were found in 23 patients of control group and in 14 patients
of the main group. In the control group the recurrent development during the
first 6 months occurred in 9 patients, to 12 months in one patient, to 18
months there were survived 6 patients , and one patient
was observed during 20 months (then he was lost for us). In the main group
during observation (to 9 months) the recurrence was noted in one patients during the first 7 months, and continued growth was
noted after 3 months in 3 patients.
our clinic for improvement of the results of radiation therapy for the patients
with invasive esophageal cancer the clinical examination was performed with use
of combination of DTGT with intracavitary irradiation additionally to
polyradiomodification. Our observations were directed to the maximal
irradiation of the tumor cells in minimal lesion of the surrounding normal
tissues and organs.
present there has been formed group of patients who receive DTHT in regimen of
multifractioning in SD-1,5 Gr, two times a day, interval between séances
4 hours, SFD 60 Gr. Two times a week the patients will be given intraesophageal
radiation therapy – brachiotherapy with single dose (SD) in tumors in the upper
third 2 Gr, in middle and lower thirds in dose 3 Gr, SFD – 25-30 Gr. The
glucose will be administered intravenously 20%-400 ml two hours before the
first séance of irradiation with blood sugar indicator more 12 moll.
Before onset of the DTHT 5-ftoruracyl in dose 500-750 ml will be introduced
intravenously. Before brachiotherapy there will be introduced intravenously
cysplatin 30 mg, summary dose 90 mg, and séances of local hyperthermia.
present time during treatment of the patients with LHT we use the scheme
including associated RT, brachoiotherapy, LHT, Hgl and CT. However, in this
case during séances of brachiotherapy and LHT the ischemization of the
tumor occurred, at least in the layers adjusted to the heat changer at the
expense of rising pressure in it up to 180-
the studied regimens of irradiation the round rotation, technique of the
three-field irradiation allowing achievement of high even irradiation of the
focus is recommended for treatment of invasive esophageal cancer.
further improvement of the combined use of combined radiation therapy with radiochemomodificators
(local hyperthermia and hyperglycemia) for treatment of esophageal cancer is
local hyperthermia in combination with associated radiation therapy as well as
with chemotherapy and hyperglycemia in esophageal cancer appeared to be safe
and relatively feasible method of treatment. The method provides reliable
improvement of the direct results of treatment for patients with unresectable
invasive esophageal cancer and improves survival period of the patients treated
at all the terms of observation.
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в редакцию 19.03.2010 г.