ISSN 1991-3087
Рейтинг Rambler's Top100


К проблеме развития корпоративного управления на промышленных предприятиях Узбекистана


Курпаяниди Константин Иванович,

доцент, профессор Российской академии естествознания,

Ташпулатов Икболжон,

ассистент кафедры менеджмента.

Ферганский политехнический институт, Узбекистан.


The problem of corporate governance for industrial enterprises Uzbekistan


Kurpayanidi Konstantin,

PhD in economics, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,

Tashpulatov Iqboljon,

Assistant Department of Management.

Fergana Polytechnic Institute.


В работе рассмотрены некоторые особенности создания и развития национальной модели корпоративного управления в индустриальном секторе экономики Узбекистана.

Ключевые слова: модель, корпоративное управление, принципы корпоративного управления, национальная модель корпоративного управления, гудвилл.


The article considers some features of formation and development of national model of corporative management in industrial sector of Uzbekistan’s economy.

Keywords: model, corporative management, principles of corporate management, national model of corporate management, goodwill.


Problem of reforming of the industrial enterprises, improvement of their efficiency and competitiveness is a key to the transitive economies. Experience in reforming the economy of Uzbekistan showed that demutualization of industrial enterprises is only a prerequisite for starting creative work on formation of effective corporate governance mechanisms.

Corporate management is a key factor in maintaining and increasing of corporations’ competitiveness and investment attractiveness. Moreover, corporate management becomes twenty-first century’s main engine of economic development. The model of corporate governance evolved in countries with developed market economies for many decades. In Uzbekistan, the development of corporate relations took place over a much shorter period of time. Therefore, special importance in corporate management is given to studying international experience. In addition, it is necessary to form a national model of corporate management considering national historical cultural traditions.

Formation of domestic model of corporate management should be directed to overcome the drawbacks of existing corporative systems and the creation of a modern model of corporate management that will provide international competitiveness of national corporations in a rapidly evolving post-industrial economy.

In recent years, Uzbekistan has done much to improve the quality of corporative management. However, the reforms, carried out largely in ensuring common and widely accepted principles of corporate management, are slow. The main reason for this is the weakness and unpreparedness of the institutional environment of the corporate sector of the economy and ignoring features.

Differences in corporate law, system of informal institutions, traditions, and the level of development of the corporate social responsibility, ownership’s structure, determine the choice of corporate management model.

Many approaches to the definition of corporate management are associated with its institutional nature. The process of formation of corporate management is an evolutionary process is inextricably linked with the development of the corporate governance practices. Particularly, the modern economic system is characterized with the processes of globalization and the development of post-industrial society, which establish special restrictions, incentives, provide new opportunities. The role and functions of corporate management are always converted and extended.

Diversity of positions regarding the nature and content of corporate management is explained by innovation, complexity and versatility of corporate governance. Comparative characteristics and systematization of studied views on corporate management enables to track the development of ideas about corporate management as an object of study.

Hitherto, among experts in the field of corporate management there is no stable position on the role of the interested person in corporate management. On the one hand, some economists believe that the stakeholders do not have rights to present claims to the company, except those provided by law or contractual relationships. On the other hand, another position in the sphere of ​​corporate management based on the fact that companies are required to perform social functions as well as commercial ones. Companies have an impact on society and the environment; therefore, they have an obligation to consider public interests. The second of the positions presented interprets corporate relations wider. In this case all stakeholders of the company are subjects of corporate management.

Thus, the creation and development of a national model of corporate management is extremely urgent. They provide the creation of conditions for the rapid growth of Uzbekistan’s economic competitiveness.

Under the conditions of national economy of Uzbekistan broad interpretation of corporate management mentioned has great perspectives. Firstly, it corresponds with the historical cultural traditions; secondly, it perfectly suits to the conditions of formation of post-industrial economy. The fundamental purpose of business in the theory of corporate management, which stems from the basic principle of national culture - the principle of conciliarity ( achieving harmony in society), - the establishment of an integrated value (not only financial but also emotional and spiritual) for all stakeholders of business, including the country and society.

Thus, corporative management is an activity that is aimed to completely satisfy the interests of all stakeholders of business, including society and country, by maximizing their total utility. Components of utility are not only material but also intangibles assets such as image of a company (goodwill) or an individual, condition of the environment, etc.




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