ISSN 1991-3087
Рейтинг Rambler's Top100


Управление классом как аспект профессиональной компетенции учителя иностранного языка


Мизерная Татьяна Петровна,

аспирантка Луганского национального университета им. Тараса Шевченко.


Classroom management as an aspect of professional competence of foreign language teacher


Mizerna Tetyana Petrivna,

postgraduate student, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.


Статья посвящена проблеме обеспечения качества подготовки по иностранному языку в школе. В статье проанализированы основные теоретические подходы к проблеме профессиональной подготовки учителей иностранного языка и управления классом. Управление классом рассматривается как один из ключевых навыков профессиональной компетенции учителя иностранного языка.

Ключевые слова: качество, управление классом, профессиональная компетенция, навыки, учитель иностранного языка.


The article deals with the problem of ensuring quality of foreign language training at school. The basic theoretical approaches to the problem of professional competence of foreign language teacher and classroom management are examined in the article. Classroom management is considered as one of the most substantial skills of professional competence of foreign language teacher.

Keywords: quality, classroom management, professional competence, skills, foreign language teacher.


The actual issue of school education today is to ensure quality of foreign language training. The Foreign Languages Curriculum defines new approaches to foreign language learning. The new concept emphasizes the practical value of the mastering foreign language for communicative purposes. In communicative language teaching teachers help learners develop their communicative strategies and learn the components of foreign language through interaction.

The category of quality is an important component of modern educational system. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) provides definition of quality concept as “the totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs” (ISO Standards 9000). Scientists regard notion “quality” as conformance to requirements or standards. According to the complex definition of the term “quality” in education it includes learners, content, environments, outcomes and processes “through which trained teachers use child-centred teaching approaches in well-managed classrooms and schools and skillful assessment to facilitate learning and reduce disparities” (UNICEF book).

In particular, various aspects of quality education is studied in pedagogical theory: G. Elnikova, V. Kachalov, V. Kalney, V. Kremen, E. Korotkov, O. Lokshyna, O. Lyashenko, T. Lukina, O. Ovcharuk, V. Panasyuk, M. Potashnik, T. Shamova, S. Shishov, A. Subetto, and others.

The problem of professional competence of foreign language teacher is revealed in many fundamental scientific works: O. Bigych, I. Bim, L. Kalinina, G. Kitaygorodskaya, R. Milrud, S. Nikolaeva, Y. Passov, I. Samoilukevych, A. Schukin, O. Solovova, I. Zimnyaya and others. Scientists and educators study various aspects of classroom management: R. Arends, J. Brophy, K. Moore, J. Harmer, and others.

The article aims at revealing the classroom management peculiarities of foreign language teaching that is connected with the professional competence of the teacher of foreign language. Therefore, the article tasks assume the analysis of the concept of classroom management and specification of its aspects in the activity of the foreign language teacher.

Teacher competence is treated as practice-oriented knowledge, skills and strategies that are observed in real time, and present the results of the pedagogical activity (R. Milrud, 2012). In the activity of the foreign language teacher educators distinguish a group of skills: to plan the educational process, to organize a work according to a certain plan, to conduct a lesson, to create relationships with pupils in the classroom, to analyze and select the learning material in accordance with the age characteristics of the pupils, to develop the skills and abilities, to determine the types of exercises, to model speech situations, to involve pupils in real communication, to group pupils in the classroom effectively (whole-class teaching, individual work, group, pair work), to manage mixed-ability classes, to use educational technologies or other learning aids rationally, to control pupils` activity, to create successful classrooms, to motivate pupils, to promote learner autonomy.

Scientists focus on professional competencies, skills and abilities which include: methodical skills, psycho-pedagogical skills, linguistic skills, personal qualities (efficiency, tolerance, enthusiasm, flexibility) abilities (ability to cooperate, ability to solve conflicts, ability to a leadership, ability to a lifelong education) and others. Study and analysis of scientific works show that there are different components of professional competence of the teacher of foreign language. Y. Passov determines literacy level, craft level, skill level and a group of methodical skills (Y. Passov, 2001). G. Kitaigorodskaya defines six components of professional competence: methodical competence, psycho-pedagogical competence, socio-pedagogical competence, lingvosociocultural competence, pedagogical skills, professional reflection (G. Kitaigorodskaya, 1986). A. Schukin focuses on four levels of professional competence: elementary level, threshold level, competent level, master level (A. Schukin, 2004). O. Solovova suggests three levels of professional competence: communicative competence, professional competence, cultural competence (O. Solovova, 2008).

Classroom management is one of the most substantial skills for the professional competence of the teacher of foreign language. The notion classroom management is identified as the most important factor that influences process of teaching foreign language. Traditionally, the notion “classroom management” was often considered as the same as discipline. The term “classroom management” has been defined differently by various scientists. In the encyclopedia the term “classroom management” is used to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behaviour by students (Wikipedia). Classroom activities and strategies focus on integration pupils needs, interests, experiences, help them to develop positive learning environment and provide a suitable preparation and foundation for further education. In this context classroom management has a broader meaning and refers to the actions and strategies that teachers use in class. Teacher`s effective classroom management system gives information about the educational process. J. Brophy defines classroom management as teacher`s efforts to create an effective classroom environment for teaching and learning. According to the author effective classroom management depends upon preventive management. “The key to successful classroom management is prevention – teachers do not have to deal with misbehaviour that never occurs” [1, p.94].

The concept “classroom management” may be understood through its structural components. Scientists use classroom instruction, behaviour control, leadership, teaching style, teaching strategies, ability to create, implement and maintain learning environment, ability to organize an effective work in the classroom, ability to interact with pupils, ability to motivate pupils, ability to develop rules, physical environment, classroom atmosphere, discipline and others as the structural components of classroom management.

R. Arends in “Learning to teach” considers that a classroom management is a part of a teacher`s overall leadership role and cannot be separated from the other aspects of teaching; classroom management requires teachers who can create authentic relationships with their students. R. Arends focuses on four major topics of effective classroom management: preventive classroom management, managing inappropriate and disruptive behaviour, exhibition confidence, and working towards caring communities and self-discipline [2, p. 163].

According to K. Moore “Classroom teaching skills” the concept of classroom management consists of three major components: leadership, classroom atmosphere, and discipline. Author qualifies three leadership styles: authoritarian leadership, democratic leadership, laissez-faire leadership. Leadership approach includes domination, pressure, and criticism. The sharing of responsibility is the democratic approach to leadership. In a laissez-faire approach, the teacher is completely permissive. K. Moore gives a detailed characteristics of the different leadership styles: authoritarian (punishing, faultfinding, demanding, commanding, critical, pressuring, sharp-voiced, imposing, dominating, harsh, fearful; democratic (friendly, firm, encouraging, stimulating, helping, guiding, winning, warm, caring, fair, influencing; laissez-faire (permissive), allows total freedom, leads to anarchy and disorder. K. Moore considers the physical environment, room arrangement, teacher motivation, the use of time, and classroom communication as factors that influence student behaviour and general classroom atmosphere. [3, p. 304].

A. Reed in “In the classroom: an introduction to education” considers teaching style is unique way of using methods and qualifies five broad categories of teaching style: instructor centered (teacher is model of approach to subject), content centered (course material is the focus), student centered (teacher is a facilitator and has a person-to-person relationship with each student), teacher-student centered (both the teacher and students plan instructions), and content-student centered (balance between material and needs of the students). Within these broad categories author describes several specific teaching approaches. One specific approach within the instructor-centered style is the task-oriented style. Three specific teaching approaches within a content-centered teaching style assume the importance of content. Two specific teaching approaches within the student-centered style are inferential style and child-centered style. One specific approach within teacher-student centered style is cooperative planning teaching style [4, p. 53].

J. Harmer in “The Practice of English language teaching” focuses on such three groups describing different teaching roles, when teachers act as controllers and view their job as the transmission of knowledge from themselves to their students (Controller); when teachers adopt some kind of prompting role, try to help, to encourage (Prompter); when teachers act as a participant (Participant); when teachers act as a resource, want to be helpful and available (Resource); when teachers act as a tutor combining the roles of prompter and resource (Tutor) [5, p. 108].

Thus, the concept of classroom management is considered as an integrated component of professional competence of foreign language teacher. Teachers` classroom management system determines leaning strategies and communicates about educational process. Its implementation is closely connected with teaches professional competencies, skills and abilities.




1.                  Brophy J. Looking in classrooms / J. Brophy, T. Good, (10th ed) New York: Pearson Education, Inc, 2009. – 528 p.

2.                  Arends, R. I. Learning to teach, (5th ed) Boston: McGraw-Hill,2000. – 506 p.

3.                  Moore K. D. Classroom Teaching Skills. – 4th ed, Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 554 p.

4.                  Reed, A.J.S. In the classroom: an introduction to education / A. J. Reed, V. E. Bergermann, V. W. Oslon. – 3rd ed, Boston: McGraw-Hill,Inc., 1998. 572 p.

5.                  Harmer, J. The Practice of English language teaching. – 4th – ed, Edenburgh: Pearson Education Limited, 2007. 448p.


Поступила в редакцию 28.01.2015 г.

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