Место интерактивных методов в обучении студентов
Асланов Кахрамон Полвонович,
старший преподаватель кафедры спорта,
Хакимов Хуршид Нозимович,
преподаватель кафедры спорта,
Акрамова Гулхаё Мухитдиновна,
студентка факультета спорта.
Бухарский государственный университет, Узбекистан.
The place of interactive methods in the education of students
Arslonov Qahramon Polvonovich,
Hakimov Xurshid Nozimovich,
Akramova Gulxayo Muxidinovna,
Bukhara State of University.
After the independence of Uzbekistan many issues have been adopted in the sphere of education. It is important to bring up educated, clever youth in our country. Many new establishments have been made in the system of education.
Every teacher must use new innovational methods and skills in order to bring up generation. Interactive method is a system which allows direct communication between a teacher students and the machine. It comes from the «Interact», inter -something connects two or more places, things or group of people; act - do something for a particular purpose.
If a teacher organizes his or her lessons according to interactive methods students will achieve high peaks in their future life.
The demands of interactive methods:
To organize debates.
To represent educational materials freely.
To decrease the number of lectures.
To organize the lessons which require social research.
The interactive methods help students to be more active in lessons.As a result, a student will think about something thoroughly, creativeness of them improves he, she can express his, her thoughts freely.
The main aim of interactive methods - is to achieve effective lessons and to create the condition in which students can express their ideas freely.To organize interactive lessons demand to work with students individually, and dividing into group.
For example
If I
Mental attack
Resolution – tree
Crosswords and others
Interactive methods give us to achieve best results in educational system.
Education based on interactive methods of
Understanding the theme thoroughly;
Communicating among «a student - teacher – students».
Materials which can be memorized by informing and taking news.
Creating creativeness of students.
Improving students critical and logical thoughts and ideas. Every teacher must have the followings features in order to be a good teacher.In order to make an education progress result, it demands from modern teachers, especially, from elementary school teachers to improve constantly their teaching skills, use interactive methods skillfully during their lessons.
To know modern, scientific, cultural meaning development of the country. To know about humanity end the world deeply.
To possess the knowledge about family values, ties and its problems.
To know international and national culture and traditions.
To use effectively pedagogical technology during the lesson.
To create a condition in which students can express their ideas freely.
To organize lessons in laboratories in order to achieve effectiveness of lessons.
To know the ways how to use technical methods.
In conclusion every teacher must bringup well - educated, clever personin the democratic republic. If students can not think freely, they can not achieve something their future life. Every teacher should use new innovative ways and methods in order to bring up young generation. Sport plays large part in Uzbek life that’s why our government pay attention to the children’s sport. Sport has for a long time been a very important part of a child’s education, as you may think to develop physical abilities, but also to provide a certain kind of moral education.
1. R.Eshmuhammedov. O`quv jarayonida interfaol uslublar va pedagogik texnalogiyalarni qo`llash uslubiyati. - Т.: 2008. - 68b.
2. «Bolalar bog`chasida ta’lim dasturi» - Toshkеnt, 1993-y.
3. «Bolalar bog`chasining katta tarbiyachisi» - Toshkеnt 1991-y.
4. T.Usmonxo`jayеv., F.Xo`jaеv. Ming bir o`yin -Toshkеnt Ibn Sino nashriyoti-1990.
Поступила в редакцию 28.05.2015 г.