ISSN 1991-3087
Рейтинг Rambler's Top100


Качество обучения взрослых иностранным языкам и примененяемые при этом технологии


Зулфикорова Зухра Аллабердиевна,

Файзиева Камила Ахроровна.


The quality of educating of foreign languages of adults and also application of technology


Zulfiqorova Zuxra Allaberdiyevna,

Fayziyeva Kamila Axrorovna,

Teachers of the chair of “Foreign languages”, KarEEI.


Система образования взрослых это означает, что реакция относительной целостности и, в то же время, обе стороны его дизайна интерьера особенности, что сегодня он был признан лингвистами.

Ключевые слова: Лингвокультура, концепт, когнитивная концепция, сценарий, отклик, концепция внешнего вида.


The use of innovative technologies of educating to the foreign languages is base on adult`s development of subject relations. These relations suppose: confession of student by the basic value of subject relations. These relations suppose: confession of student by the basic value of educational process.

Keywords: national culture, concept, a cognition concept, scenario, feedback, a cognition process.


A not simply well-educated man and specialist, oriented in the activity on inter mingling with the carriers of other cultures, able to react on permanent changes in the modern world, becomes highly sought in the changing picture of the world.

A language is a treasure-house of national culture of people talking in this language. All vital experience and all achievements of culture are fixed in a language, find a floppy in him. The national component of value reveals in units of all levels of language, but especially clearly he is traced in a vocabulary, phraseology, rules of speech etiquette, texts and so on.

This means of educating (multimedia) allow:

-Integrated different types of information in one objective container (text, sound and video) and to present her, affecting different organs of the human feeling;

-to develop skills of work the large volumes of information of different kind;

- to develop the critical thinking;

- to stimulate a cognition process;
- interactively to co-operate with taught;
- to adapt oneself to the queries last;
- to organize group work in multimedia environments;
- to form steady motivation to educating;

Construct maximally close to reality terms for making of educational and professional skills. [ Solova E.N.2001:P.18]

Multimedia, as means of educating, differs from other facilities of educating, for emote, by two basic didactic properties: by integrative approach in presentation of fin formation in different forms (text, sound, video etc.) and interactive cooperating with taught, that allow to decide many successions of universal and professional education;

-Providing functional foreign language proficiency, to stimulate studying to continuation language education;

-to develop skill of independent work students and realization by them to the necessity of continuous education and self-perfection;

-to strengthen individualization and differentiation of process of educating to the foreign languages on the basis of the personal experience of student;

The use of innovative technologies of educating to the foreign languages is base on adult`s development of subject relations. These relations suppose: confession of student by the basic value of subject relations. These relations suppose: confession of student by the basic value of educational process; passing to the collaboration; exposure and maximal use of subject experience of student, concordance of his experience with publicly meaningful experience; activation of personality functions. [ Matuxin D. L.;2010:213]

It is often possible to hear disserting of teachers that, in spite of their effort, students cannot talk in foreign languages, although well execute exercises. Not jutting out into the detailed analysis of reasons interfering with students to “begin” to speak, it would be desirable to specify on one of them. In formulation of aims of less on a foreign languages accent is put on forming of ability of talking, reading and letter, i.e. on the separate types of speech activity.

Maybe, therefore a teacher only episodically comes running to such receptions of educating, when a student must use the formed abilities in a complex, how it takes place in the natural situation of communication.

If adults want to learn to communicate foreign language, i.e. wants to begin to speak not making off the study of theme retelling of text or drafting of dialogue and will examine these exercises as providing a basis for a communication. l have the determined location, both in plans of separate lessons and in an educational/process on a foreign language on the whole. 

How to organize such practice? The most suitable form of communication on a lesson is a role play. As well as exercises, role play can be dividing into two groups: training in a communication and organizing practice in a communication. Game training in a communication will be simpler; the choice of language means the students is limited to by the studied theme. Games, organizing practice in a communication, will be more difficult, the choice of language means is unsaved nothing.

In preparation of role play distinguish the next stages:
1) determination of aim and language material, on that agame will be conducted;
2) drafting of scenario of game;
3) distribution of roles;
4) psychological preparation of taught.

Organization of communication on a lesson requires location in the cabinet of tables and armchair: it is impossible to communicate, sitting a back to each other. Training in a communication it is better to conduct in subgroup for 34 men, on occasions in pairs. As far as language teaching is concerned, modern information technologies do offer challenging ways of teaching and learning, such as easy access to study materials, the opportunity to proceed at an individual pace, and to choose the time and place of studying, and almost immediate feedback on writing with e-mail tutorial support. Nevertheless, conventional face-to-face training is still necessary to provide the practice and feedback on performance that can really help to improve speaking skills. Therefore, blended learning can be a solution to a number of problems., ‘on the one hand, technology is here to stay. On the other, the teacher will never be replaced. I believe it is crucial that the teacher remains in control as the person creating the course program me, meeting the learners, interpreting or assigning the material and honing the course.

As a result of capture adults must a language know the specific of forming of aspect skills in a course the language of professional communication, feature of speech etiquette of country of the studied language , able to perceive and generate foreign speech in accordance with the terms of speech communication in the field of professionally business of communication, to own skills of the spoken and writing language in the condition professional communication, by modern educational technologies of teaching of language of professional communication.

The criteria of estimation of program quality is a presence of substantial positive changes in the field professional activity of specialist. These changes provide the result of activity adults.




1.                  Solova E.N. Pteparation of teacher of forein languages taking into according the modern tendencies of updating of maintenance of education – 2001-49p.

2.                  Matuxin D. L. Educating of adults to the verbal foreign communication on the basis of environment: 2010. -231p.


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