ISSN 1991-3087
Рейтинг Rambler's Top100


Применение виртуальной лаборатории в учебной работе


Муминов Бобурбек Улугбек угли,

Абдулхамидов Акбарджон Абдуматтпжон угли,

Абдувохид Абдуллаев Абдугаффор угли,

Ферганский политехнический институт.


Application of virtual laboratory in educational work


Muminov Boburbek Ulugbek ogli,

Abdulhamidov Akbarjon Abdumannopjon ogli,

Abduvohid Abdullaev Abdugaffor ogli,

Fergana, Uzbekistan.


В статье обсуждается роль виртуальных лабораторий, преимущества использования их в процессе обучения, использование схем цепи программы MATLAB и Microsoft Excel.


This article discusses the role of virtual labs, the advantages of using them in learning process, the use of power chain schemes in MATLAB and Microsoft Excel.


Nowadays, the creation of virtual laboratories, inclusion and improvement in the sphere of learning process is not a technology of tomorrow, but is rather becoming a task at hand. Creating Virtual Labs is also an urgent issue for the development of distance learning and the introduction of new information technology tools into the learning process.

As a design and modeling environment for virtual labs, softwares such as MATLAB, MathCAD, Maple, Electronics Workbench, Proteus can be employed.

The modeling can be accomplished at an abstract level or closer to the physical processes on devices. Many applications, such as MATLAB, can simulate complex dynamic processes in real time scale. Additionally, a computer-based modeling environment allows you to create bibliographies of elements in the form of hierarchical structures that are ideally suited for creating virtual labs.

In traditional methods of teaching, special emphasis is placed on laboratories and practical exercises, which serve to strengthen theoretical knowledge gained on the subject and to acquire practical skills.

But in most cases they do not give the expected results.

Virtual Laboratory has many advantages. These are:

• Helps to make complex experiments more interesting;

• Enables to carry out life-threatening and financially high value experiments.

• Implementation of experiments that are difficult or impossible to perform in real life;

• Enables experiments to be conducted in a short duration by cutting back extra spent time.

The following is a scheme of replacing the complex closed chain scheme consisting of 3 contours and 6 networks done in MATLAB. The F9 keypad or the play icon is pressed to start the scheme, and it allows to determine the current power and voltage in the network (Figure 1).


Picture 1. Locked circuit diagram is in the MATLAB program.


Through the software, we can see the current flow in each network and contour flow, voltage changes, and write down currents. Based on the results obtained, we can detect the currents of each network using the contour currents. To do this, we use the following Microsoft Excel software (Picture 2) At the same time, we put the voltage results of the ammeter and the voltmeters in yellow boxes. Then, we can get the results of consumer resistance and network currents from white cells.


Picture 2. The calculation of closed chain scheme in Microsoft Excel.




1.                  Amirov S.F. - TashTMI, 2007.

2.                  Dadajanov T. M., Mukhitdinov Basics of MATLAB - Tashkent, 2008.

3.                  Evdokimov F.E. Теоретические основы электротехники – Высшая школа, 2004 (Theoretical Foundations of Electrotechnics-Higher school).


Поступила в редакцию 09.07.2018 г.

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